Meet Heather Crowe

Hello Fellow Empath, Highly Sensitive, Awakened and Intentionally Evolving One…

I am a multidimensional channel, guide and healer. I’ve dedicated over half of my life (today I’m 50 years young) to educating and supporting individuals and families in healing and transforming their health, their relationships and their lives through a diverse range of modalities such as; holistic nutrition, personal training, transformational coaching, and energy healing. 

In March of 2020 I spontaneously started to speak Light Language after consciously navigating through a personal journey of hardship for 10+ years with “intent”. In the following month I was Divinely guided to offer Akashic Record readings for and to share the channelled Light Language transmissions with others seeking a holistic and spiritual means of support during an emotionally difficult time in their life just as I had. 

Authentic relationships, personal empowerment and health & well-being are my top three core values and know that the “key” to experiencing each of these lies within the quality of relationship that we have with our Self. The Akashic Records are a spiritual tool that, in my personal opinion, provide one of the greatest opportunities to develop a conscious and empowered relationship with Self through a deeper, more expansive understanding of who we really are, what we are truly capable of and life itself.

Today I utilize the Akashic Records and Light Language transmissions to help my clients heal and evolve through self-realization. This in turn both enables them to rise above their current condition and/or circumstance and inspires them to live a fulfilling life through BEing an embodiment of Love. 

I encourage you to give yourself permission to listen to and act on the guidance of your own soul. You can trust, YOU’RE WORTH IT!

I’m ready