Holistic Health & Healing For Resilient Radiance

Hi, I’m Heather

My mission is to help empathic parents with chronic stress rise above adversity and hardship by awakening to a more conscious empowered relationship with their self through the Akashic Records and Light Language transmissions for optimal health, true happiness and harmonious relationships.

Why? - So our children have healthy, empowered role models who have the “capacity” to show them the true meaning of unconditional love.

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records, aka the book of life, are a vast body of knowledge that is ever-changing. It is a state of consciousness where every thought, intention, emotion, action, probable and possible outcome(s) is imprinted and stored. Not only do the Akashic Records encompass our individual consciousness but also the collective human, planetary, galactic and universal consciousness as well. 

How do the Akashic Records work?

Speaking from the belief that everything is “energy”, and with the intent to simplify something that within itself is complex, the Akashic Records vibrate on a frequency band that can be “tuned” into in a similar way that one tunes into their favorite radio station but instead of turning a stereo dial… the reader attunes their individual frequency to align with the information he/she is seeking to receive. This is achieved via meditation, prayer and/or hypnosis. I personally access the akashic field through the language of Light which includes a combination of the three. 

What is Light Language?

Light language is a channeled non-linear form of communication that relates to frequency, light, geometry and sound. It is a multidimensional language that affects subtle energy bodies for the purpose of healing and evolution. In its purest form, light language is information that is an expression of the higher frequency of love. The higher Self of the individual receiving the light transmissions uses the encoded frequencies to initiate any changes (a release and activation of information) that is for the individual's highest good. Simply put, multidimensional light language is energy/vibrational medicine.